
Free Translating and Interpreter Services

As we move into summer and our restrictions are reducing, our facilities are attracting more people. Many of these people may be from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The Australian Government provides a free translating and interpreter services for all Local government authorities.

Contact Registers required from 5th December 2020

As you may have heard by now, the Premier announced the introduction of contact register requirements for Western Australian venues from 5 December 2020, and the launch of a new QR code application, SafeWA, that will assist will provide businesses and venues with a free digital app-based digital contact register system.

Future Focus Webinar

Future Focus: Planning and Leadership in an Uncertain Future by Gihan Perera The pandemic has affected us all in different ways. We’re not all in the same boat; we’re all in the same storm, but in different boats, navigating our way through the storm. The key skill you need to thrive is foresight – the ability to look ahead into an uncertain future. Instead of only planning for what you can see, use scenario planning to map out plausible future scenarios.
webinar pd professional development

COVID-19 Phase 4 WA

The WA Government has implemented a staged lifting of COVID-19 restrictions based on the advice of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the WA Department of Health.

Zoom around the pools

LIWA Aquatics like many of you have had to change the way we work and communicate with each other. In order to Maintain the Network in this current climate, LIWA will be hosting regular online Zoom meetings which is open to the aquatic recreation industry.
zoom pd meeting networking

Letter to Members (COVID-19)

Dear LIWA Aquatics member, Re: Coronavirus (COVID-19) As you have heard many times before, these are unprecedented times. The order from Government to close all swimming pools was an enormous one for our industry, not just financially but social wellbeing for members, staff and patrons. Whilst it was a hard decision to make, it was one that was necessary to protect all Australians and reduce the spread and lower the curve.
covid19 member

Health Warning

The Department of Health is urging people who have had diarrhoea not to enter any aquatic facility (including swimming pool, spa, spray park/interactive water feature) until at least two weeks after they have fully recovered. The warning follows a substantial increase in cryptosporidiosis notifications – 195 cases have been reported to the Department since 1 January 2020, compared to an average of 63 cases for the same period in the previous five years.
health pool swim disease WA Health Crypto

Working in Heat

With Climate change a real thing and our requirements to work in hot and humid conditions it is important to think about how you can manage workplace to ensure our staff are safe. Safe Work Australia has produces a few videos to raise the awareness of working in the heat and to provoke some discussion and thoughts of what your facility is doing to prevent heat related injuries.
heat ohs oh&s whs hot safety work

Adult Water Safety Survey

Share your thoughts for your chance to win! Royal Life Saving Society WA is conducting a survey about the swimming and water safety experiences of adults aged 45 and older. All completed surveys will go in the draw to win $250 cash. Get in quick as the survey closes on 21 January 2020.
survey rlsswa adults swimming water safety

Does your Facility require Dangerous Goods Licence?

In Western Australia sites storing chemicals classed as dangerous goods may require a licence under the Dangerous Goods Safety (Storage and Handling of Non-explosives) Regulations 2007. Unless an exemption applies, a site requires a dangerous goods licence if the quantity of certain classes of dangerous goods present on site exceeds the manifest quantity. More information is contained within the attached Guidance note.
chlorine dangerous goods licence chemicals
