2025 Watch Around Water Facility of the Year

This award recognises excellence in the demonstration of the achievement of the objectives of the Watch Around Water program.

Essential Criteria

  • Must be currently registered with the Watch Around Water Program

Award Criteria
Provide detail on:

  • How does your facility engage with the community to promote Watch Around Water?
    • How does your facility promote the Watch Around Water program to patrons and the wider community? (For example, hosting Watch Around Water events, social media posts, and engaging with local media.)
    • Attach supporting documentation for any promotional activities (for example, photos from events, copies of media releases, and copies of social media posts).
  • How does your facility use the Watch Around Water promotional materials/resources?

  • Does your facility implement any innovative strategies to promote Watch Around Water?
    • (for example, new resources developed, staff training, advertising etc.)

As an optional addition to your nomination, you’re welcome to submit a short video (under one minute) explaining why your nominee deserves to win. While not required, videos are a great way to further support your nomination and highlight their achievements. Please submit your videos to events@liwaaquatics.org.au

All Nominations criteria fields need to be completed.

Using the criteria, provide information on why your organisation should win the Watch Around Water Facility of the Year Award for 2025.

This survey is conducted in accordance with our Data Collection Privacy Policy

Enter your email address*

Council / Organisation

How does your facility promote the Watch Around Water program to patrons and the wider community? E.g. hosting Watch Around Water events, social media posts, and engaging with local media.

Do you do anything different to other facilities?

E.g. New resources developed, staff training, advertising etc.

Further documents or supporting evidence can be emailed to events@liwaaquatics.org.au

Max 5MB
