2025 Emerging Leader Award

This award recognises someone aged 18- 30 years of age who is committed, passionate, motivated and shows potential leadership abilities.

Essential Criteria

  • Currently working in a Group 1 Aquatic Recreation Facility in WA
  • The nominee must be 18 – 30 years of age.

Award Criteria
Provide details of:

  • How have they shown leadership within the aquatic recreation industry?
  • What are their goals and how are they achieving these within the aquatic recreation industry?
  • Feedback from a third party (which describes commitment, passion, engagement, leadership style and work ethic) (this could be from customers, colleagues, peers or employer)

As an optional addition to your nomination, you’re welcome to submit a short video (under one minute) explaining why your nominee deserves to win. While not required, videos are a great way to further support your nomination and highlight their achievements. Please submit your videos to events@liwaaquatics.org.au

All Nominations criteria fields need to be completed. 

This survey is conducted in accordance with our Data Collection Privacy Policy

Enter your email address*

Please provide the name of the person being nominated.

Please provide a contact number for the nominee.

Please provide the email of the person being nominated.

Council / Organisation the Nominee is employed by?

What Aquatic Facility does the nominee work at?

Provide details on how they have shown outstanding leadership in the aquatic recreation industry.

Provide details on what Goals they have set and how they are going to achieve these goals.

Provide third party feedback which describes the persons commitment, passions engagement, leadership and work ethic)

Further evidence or documents can be emailed to events@liwaaquatics.org.au

Max 5MB
