2025 Community Impact Award

This award recognises facility-based aquatic recreation community programs using access and inclusion, enhancing the well-being of the local community to create a positive impact. This award highlights increased community impact, supports community user groups and supports behavioural change to a healthier lifestyle, or other health and social benefits.

Essential Criteria

  • Must have been in development and implemented within the period of January 2024 to June 2025.

Award Criteria
Provide details of

  • Summary of the program
  • Why this program was created (what was done to identify the need)
  • Who this program is targeting 
  • Goals of the program
  • Outcomes of the program
    • What was the impact on industry and/or community & how this was measured?

As an optional addition to your nomination, you’re welcome to submit a short video (under one minute) explaining why your nominee deserves to win. While not required, videos are a great way to further support your nomination and highlight their achievements. Please submit your videos to events@liwaaquatics.org.au

All Nominations criteria fields need to be completed.

Using the criteria, provide information on why your organisation would be voted the best Community Impact for the Aquatic Recreation Industry in WA for 2025.

This survey is conducted in accordance with our Data Collection Privacy Policy

Enter your email address*

Please provide the name of the person being nominated.

Which Aquatic Facility was this campaign run?

Provide details of the program and community impact that you have implemented.

What period was the program, campaign or event run?

Provide details of why this program was created.

Provide details on who this program is targeting, how was this need Identified?

What are the goals / benefits of this program?

What was the impact on the industry and/or community?

Provided details of how this was measured as a success.

Further documents or supporting evidence can be emailed to events@liwaaquatics.org.au

Max 5MB
