It all began back in 1969 when it was originally called the "Swimming Pool Managers Association of WA Inc."
From approximately 1957 - 1967 the Local Authorities Swimming Pool Conferences were held annually in WA and from this a steering committee was developed. On the 18 July 1969 a constitution was adopted and the Association was formalised. Fred Smith Life Member of LIWA Aquatics was on the committee when it began and still attends our Conference dinner each year which shows the passion of people in our industry.
John Robertson also a Life Memeber joined the association in 1974 and like Fred continues to attend the Annual Conference Dinner still to this day.
Celebrating 50 years LIWA Aquatics would like to take this opportunity to thank its pioneer swimming pool managers for having the foresight to get together to discuss all things aquatic. Without those pioneers we would not be here today.
LIWA Aquatics 50th Annual State Conference and Trade Display will be held on 12/13th August 2019 in Fremantle, WA. We hope you can join us to help celebrate our 50th Anniversary. Registrations will be announced shortly so save the date.